Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Back to the Grindstone...

It's hump day for my first week back to work! So far, so good. On Monday, I felt fine until about noon. It is amazing how much walking a person does, even if they have a "desk job". Of course, there is a hugh difference between walking through your house and walking through a large work campus (unless you're Oprah). So, by the end of the day I was taking a pain pill and on my back. Yesterday was rough in a LARGE way, but I made it through without leaving early. Yay for Ginger! Today, I feel much, much better.

Overall, going back to work has been a very good thing. There is only so much blogging, e-mailing, laundry--and don't even get me started on daytime television--that a person can do before losing one's mind. I truly enjoyed being able to spend a few more hours per day with my daughter. It is a time I will always treasure. However, I thrive on being around lots of people and being productive. I truly enjoy the overall atmosphere of where I work, and most of the folks there are wonderful people. Why, I even got to be around some Titans today...and may I say that the view was nice! hehehe

So, I'd say this has been a good week so far. Just two more days 'till I've bagged week one!


Jodi said...


I'm glad to hear that you are back among the working populous!

And I can completely understand about being at home for too long. I worked out of my home for a year and it nearly drove me mad! I still get a nervous twitch when you mention daytime television!!

Two more days.... you can do it!!

Anonymous said...

"and may I say that the view was nice!" Nice bad girl!

Anonymous said...

"and may I say that the view was nice!" bad girl!